About me

Welcome, I am honoured you have followed your inner guidance to me.

Love Light Alchemy is an energy-based series of healing modalities based on quantum energy which uses the guidance of the angelic, galactic, and magical realms to bring you back to your full light. It was born from a deep calling to shine a light on the darkest depths of us. 

This light within you exceeds by far your physical, this is the 99% of your being. The true, spiritual being that is YOU, is 99% spiritual light, and only 1% physical.

I was semi-awake for a long time, going back and forth not knowing who I was and believing everyone else held the answers for me. It wasn't until I went through the dark night of my soul, that I awoke fully and I found my light, my strength and my sovereignty.  

It was time for me to remember, and to stop thinking, feeling, and believing that life happened to me and I had no control over it. Thinking, I could not overcome the illusory shadows in this world, within and without.

I had forgotten that I was, as we all are, omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. That we hold the Universe together, for we took part in creating it!

It was through these modalities that I came home to myself. I remembered who I was in all my divinity and heard the call to assist others with their own remembering.

It is not until we allow that inner voice from within our hearts to actively speak that we truly begin our transformation, healing, and resolution. It begins through the remembrance of our soul. When you go within and connect deeply through the consciousness to your soul (Higher Self or Oversoul), it activates your heart into knowing that love becomes all, and it is the very life force that runs through the veins of our creation.

When you choose to clear yourself of everything that is not you, you choose differently, you choose yourself. This is a process and every moment poses a new opportunity for you to tune yourself to your own Divine Love.

Know that you and only you have the power within to accept, deny, control, create, and disappear all circumstances, dis-ease, fears, state of being, and mind around and within you. You are a sovereign being, you create, and you have to power to consent to the situations around you. You are not helpless, you are a divine creator! 

It is time to connect to your I AM Presence as this is the true creator being you are. Your outer experiences will never have as much power as you, unless you give these experiences your power. 

With every thought, deed, and action, you create (or recreate) your actual world. It is you, who really, decides what issues you wish to be rid of or life patterns you seem to be recreating in a cycle. Only you can determine when to end such dense manifestations in your reality.

You have free will to choose what resonates with your inner truth.


My infinite love,


Noelle x